The Incident
Kerosene had leaked from a failed domestic boiler component located in a chimney recess in a little used room in the property. The loss is considered to have occurred over a period of around a week. The householder was made aware of the incident when a neighbour complained to them of hydrocarbon odours in their adjacent property. Following an investigation by the insured, staining was noted to the flooring and brickwork of the chimney, surrounding the boiler. The insured was keen to remain in the property so necessary ventilation was installed to reduce the odours and help reduce the concentration of kerosene.
The Solution
After safely decommissioning and removing the boiler, we excavated the flooring adjacent to the party wall, following receipt of a Party Wall Notice, removing three linear metres of kerosene contaminated flooring and soil, before removing the contaminated brickwork in the fireplace up to one metre above finished floor level. An external boiler was installed and connected to the heating and water systems and, following commissioning, we made good all flooring and brickwork, plastered and decorated the reinstated wall area.
The Outcome
Validation soil samples collected from the excavation confirmed the removal of kerosene impacted subfloor materials. The collection of an ambient air sample for laboratory analysis from the previously impacted room confirmed the on-site final PID survey results which indicated the risks of kerosene vapour intrusion to the insured had been mitigated.
“Both Christine and I were totally unprepared for what we assumed was a very small oil leak and easily remedied, compared to the vast amount work that has been undertaken.
“We would like to thank you and your team for the professional and understanding way that the project has been handled.” FH.
Domestic property owner, Wimbotsham, Cambs.
Services provided by our experts
- Incident response & mitigation
- Customer engagement and management.
- Contamination investigation, assessment & remediation.